mongodb-nodejs-driver, DeprecationWarning: collection.count is deprecated

The collection.count method in the mongodb-nodejs-driver is deprecated. The deprecation warning indicates that this method is no longer recommended for use and may be removed in future versions of the driver.

To address this deprecation warning, you can follow these steps:

  1. Update the mongodb-nodejs-driver: Ensure that you are using the latest version of the mongodb-nodejs-driver package in your Node.js project. You can update the package by running the following command in your project directory: npm update mongodb

  2. Replace collection.count with collection.countDocuments: The count method has been deprecated in favor of the countDocuments method. Modify your code to use countDocuments instead. Here's an example: ```javascript const MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;

MongoClient.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017', (err, client) => { if (err) { console.error(err); return; }

 const db = client.db('your-database-name');
 const collection = db.collection('your-collection-name');

 collection.countDocuments({ yourQuery: 'yourValue' }, (err, count) => {
   if (err) {

   console.log(`Total documents: ${count}`);


}); ```

  1. Test and verify: After making the necessary changes, run your code and ensure that it functions as expected. Verify that the deprecation warning no longer appears.

By following these steps, you can address the deprecation warning related to the collection.count method in the mongodb-nodejs-driver package.