mcrypt_rand rewrite in node js

const crypto = require('crypto');

function mcrypt_rand(length) {
  const buffer = crypto.randomBytes(length);
  let result = '';

  for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) {
    result += String.fromCharCode(buffer[i]);

  return result;

const randomString = mcrypt_rand(10);


  1. Import the crypto module from the Node.js standard library using the require function. This module provides cryptographic functionality, including generating random bytes.

    javascript const crypto = require('crypto');

  2. Define a function named mcrypt_rand which takes a parameter length representing the number of bytes to generate.

    javascript function mcrypt_rand(length) {

  3. Use the crypto.randomBytes method to generate a buffer of random bytes with the specified length.

    javascript const buffer = crypto.randomBytes(length);

  4. Initialize a variable result as an empty string. This variable will store the generated random string.

    javascript let result = '';

  5. Iterate over each byte in the buffer using a for loop.

    javascript for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) {

  6. Convert each byte to a character using the String.fromCharCode method and append it to the result string.

    javascript result += String.fromCharCode(buffer[i]);

  7. After all bytes have been processed, return the result string.

    javascript return result;

  8. Call the mcrypt_rand function with a desired length (e.g., 10) to generate a random string.

    javascript const randomString = mcrypt_rand(10);

  9. Print the generated random string to the console.

    javascript console.log(randomString);

This code snippet demonstrates how to generate a random string in Node.js using the crypto module. It uses the crypto.randomBytes method to generate a buffer of random bytes and converts each byte to a character to form the random string.