manage nodejs versions on windows

Managing Node.js Versions on Windows

To manage Node.js versions on Windows, you can use a version manager like nvm-windows. Here are the steps to do this:

  1. Install nvm-windows:
  2. Download the from the nvm-windows releases page on GitHub.
  3. Extract the zip file and run the installer.
  4. Follow the installation prompts to complete the setup.

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  1. Install Node.js Versions:
  2. Open a new command prompt window.
  3. Use the nvm install command followed by the version number to install a specific Node.js version. For example: nvm install 14.17.0

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  1. Switch Between Node.js Versions:
  2. To switch between installed Node.js versions, use the nvm use command followed by the version number. For example: nvm use 14.17.0

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  1. Set Default Node.js Version:
  2. You can set a default Node.js version using the nvm alias command. For example, to set the default version to 14.17.0: nvm alias default 14.17.0

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By following these steps, you can easily manage and switch between different Node.js versions on your Windows machine.