listen on 8080 port in node js

Listening on Port 8080 in Node.js

To listen on port 8080 in Node.js, you can use the http module to create an HTTP server and call the listen method on it. Here's an example code snippet that demonstrates this:

var http = require('http');

http.createServer(function (req, res) {
  // Request handling logic goes here

Let's break down the code and explain each step:

  1. Import the http module using require('http')[1].
  2. Call the createServer method on the http module to create an HTTP server. This method takes a callback function as an argument, which will be executed whenever a request is received by the server.
  3. Inside the callback function, you can write the logic to handle the incoming requests and send back the appropriate responses.
  4. Finally, call the listen method on the server object to start listening on the specified port (in this case, port 8080).

Please note that the code snippet provided is a basic example and does not include any request handling logic. You would need to add your own logic to handle different types of requests and send back the desired responses.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.