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Step 1: Install Node.js Explanation: Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. It allows developers to run JavaScript on the server-side.

Step 2: Set Up a Project Explanation: Use the command line to create a new folder for your Node.js project and navigate into it.

Step 3: Initialize Node.js Project Explanation: Use the command "npm init" to create a package.json file, which will contain information about your project and its dependencies.

Step 4: Install Dependencies Explanation: Use the "npm install" command to install any required dependencies for your Node.js project, such as express, axios, or other libraries.

Step 5: Create a Node.js File Explanation: Create a new JavaScript file (e.g., index.js) where you will write the code for your Node.js application.

Step 6: Write Node.js Code Explanation: Start writing the actual Node.js code in your JavaScript file to define routes, handle requests, and perform other server-side tasks.

Step 7: Run the Node.js Application Explanation: Use the command line to run your Node.js application and test its functionality.

Step 8: Deploy the Node.js Application Explanation: Once your Node.js application is ready, you can deploy it to a server or a cloud platform to make it accessible to users.