is nodejs code visible client side

Node.js code is not visible client-side. Here is an explanation of each step:

  1. The client makes a request to the server: When a client (such as a web browser) wants to retrieve data or perform an action, it sends a request to the server. This request can be made using various protocols, such as HTTP.

  2. The server receives the request: The server, which is running Node.js, receives the client's request. Node.js is a server-side runtime environment that allows developers to build scalable network applications using JavaScript.

  3. The server processes the request: Once the server receives the request, it processes it according to the code and logic implemented in the Node.js application. This can include executing database queries, performing calculations, or fetching data from external APIs.

  4. The server generates a response: After processing the request, the server generates a response that contains the data or information requested by the client. This response can be in various formats, such as HTML, JSON, or XML.

  5. The server sends the response to the client: Once the response is generated, the server sends it back to the client as a reply to the initial request. The client then receives the response and can display or utilize the data as needed.

  6. The client renders the response: The client, which can be a web browser, mobile app, or any other application, receives the response from the server and renders it to the user. This can involve rendering HTML, updating the user interface, or processing the data in some other way.

In summary, Node.js code is executed on the server-side, and the result of that code execution is sent back to the client as a response. The client does not have direct access to the Node.js code itself, only the output or response generated by the server.