html to pdf node js background color

To convert an HTML file to a PDF file with a background color using Node.js, you can follow these steps:

  1. Install the necessary packages:
  2. Install the html-pdf package by running the command npm install html-pdf.

  3. Create a Node.js file (e.g., convert.js) and require the html-pdf package at the top of the file using const pdf = require('html-pdf').

  4. Define the HTML content you want to convert to a PDF. You can either write the HTML directly in the code or read it from an external file.

  5. Set the options for the PDF conversion:

  6. Create an options object using const options = { format: 'A4', background: 'color' }.
  7. The format property specifies the paper format. In this example, it is set to 'A4'.
  8. The background property is set to 'color' to include the background color in the PDF.

  9. Use the pdf.create() method to convert the HTML content to a PDF:

  10. Call pdf.create(htmlContent, options).toFile('output.pdf', (err, res) => {}).
  11. Replace htmlContent with the actual HTML content you want to convert.
  12. The toFile() method saves the PDF to the specified file path. In this example, it is set to 'output.pdf'.
  13. You can handle any errors and retrieve the result in the callback function.

  14. Run the Node.js file by executing node convert.js in the terminal.

After following these steps, you should have a PDF file (output.pdf) with the background color from your HTML content.