validate email javascript

To validate an email address in JavaScript using Node.js, you can follow these steps:

  1. Import the built-in email-validator module:
const validator = require('email-validator');

This step imports the email-validator module, which provides a set of functions to validate email addresses.

  1. Use the validator.validate() function to check if the email is valid:
const isValidEmail = validator.validate('[email protected]');

In this step, you pass the email address you want to validate as an argument to the validate() function. The function returns a boolean value indicating whether the email address is valid or not.

  1. Check the value returned by the validate() function:
if (isValidEmail) {
  // Email is valid
} else {
  // Email is invalid

Based on the value returned by the validate() function, you can perform different actions or validations. If the email is valid, you can proceed with further processing or display a success message. If the email is invalid, you can display an error message or prompt the user to enter a valid email address.

Here is the complete code example:

const validator = require('email-validator');

const email = '[email protected]';
const isValidEmail = validator.validate(email);

if (isValidEmail) {
  console.log('Email is valid');
} else {
  console.log('Email is invalid');

This code imports the email-validator module, validates the email address provided, and logs a message indicating whether the email is valid or not. You can replace '[email protected]' with the email address you want to validate.

By following these steps, you can use the email-validator module in Node.js to validate email addresses.