how to get os information nodejs

To get OS information in Node.js, you can use the built-in os module. Here are the steps to retrieve OS information:

  1. Import the os module by adding the following line at the beginning of your code: javascript const os = require('os');

  2. To get the operating system's hostname, use the os.hostname() method. This method returns the hostname of the operating system as a string. javascript const hostname = os.hostname();

  3. To get the operating system's type, use the os.type() method. This method returns the operating system's name as a string. javascript const osType = os.type();

  4. To get the operating system's platform, use the os.platform() method. This method returns the platform of the operating system as a string. javascript const platform = os.platform();

  5. To get the operating system's release, use the os.release() method. This method returns the release of the operating system as a string. javascript const release = os.release();

  6. To get the operating system's architecture, use the os.arch() method. This method returns the architecture of the operating system as a string. javascript const architecture = os.arch();

  7. To get the operating system's total memory, use the os.totalmem() method. This method returns the total amount of system memory in bytes. javascript const totalMemory = os.totalmem();

  8. To get the operating system's free memory, use the os.freemem() method. This method returns the amount of free system memory in bytes. javascript const freeMemory = os.freemem();

  9. Finally, you can log or use the retrieved OS information as needed. For example: javascript console.log('Hostname:', hostname); console.log('OS Type:', osType); console.log('Platform:', platform); console.log('Release:', release); console.log('Architecture:', architecture); console.log('Total Memory:', totalMemory); console.log('Free Memory:', freeMemory);

Please note that the values returned by these methods may vary depending on the operating system and hardware you are using.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.