node js module export class

  1. In Node.js, a module is a self-contained unit of code that can be reused and imported into other parts of a program. It helps organize and structure the codebase.

  2. To export a class from a module in Node.js, we use the module.exports object. This object is a special object provided by Node.js to define what should be exported from the module.

  3. The class keyword in JavaScript is used to define a blueprint for creating objects. It allows us to define properties and methods that the objects created from the class will have.

  4. To export a class using module.exports, we assign the class itself to module.exports. For example, if we have a class named MyClass, we would write module.exports = MyClass;.

  5. Once a class is exported from a module, it can be imported and used in other parts of the program by using the require function. For example, if we want to use the exported MyClass, we would write const MyClass = require('./myModule');.

  6. By using the exported class, we can create new instances of the class and access its properties and methods. For example, if we have a method named myMethod in the exported MyClass, we can create a new instance of MyClass and call myMethod on it like this: const myObject = new MyClass(); myObject.myMethod();.