how to detech ctrl+C exist in nodejs

Detecting Ctrl+C Exit in Node.js

To detect the Ctrl+C exit event in Node.js, you can listen for the SIGINT signal. This signal is emitted when the user presses Ctrl+C in the terminal. Here are the steps to detect the Ctrl+C exit:

  1. Import the process module: javascript const process = require('process');

  2. Register an event listener for the SIGINT signal: javascript process.on('SIGINT', () => { // Handle the Ctrl+C exit event here });

When the SIGINT signal is received, the callback function will be executed. You can add your custom logic inside the callback function to handle the exit event.

That's it! Now your Node.js application will be able to detect the Ctrl+C exit event. You can replace the comment in the code snippet with your own logic to handle the event.

Please note that the SIGINT signal is not limited to just Ctrl+C. It can also be triggered by other means, such as sending the signal from another process or using the kill command in the terminal.
