how to check if a folder exists in node js

To check if a folder exists in Node.js, you can use the fs module, which provides file system-related functionality. Here are the steps to check if a folder exists:

  1. Import the fs module: javascript const fs = require('fs');

  2. Use the fs.existsSync() method to check if the folder exists: javascript const folderPath = '/path/to/folder'; const folderExists = fs.existsSync(folderPath);

The fs.existsSync() method returns true if the folder exists and false otherwise.

  1. Handle the result: javascript if (folderExists) { console.log('The folder exists.'); } else { console.log('The folder does not exist.'); }

You can customize the handling based on your specific requirements.

That's it! These steps allow you to check if a folder exists in Node.js using the fs module.