heroku node js h21 backend connection refused

  1. Check if your application is running locally using the following command: bash heroku local

  2. Verify that your application is binding to the correct port. Heroku dynamically assigns a port through the process.env.PORT variable.

  3. Confirm that your application is not hardcoded to a specific IP address, as Heroku routes traffic through different IPs.

  4. Ensure your application is properly deployed on Heroku using the following command: bash git push heroku master

  5. Check Heroku logs for any errors or connection issues: bash heroku logs --tail

  6. Confirm that your application's dependencies are correctly specified in the package.json file.

  7. Check for any blocking processes or infinite loops that might prevent your application from starting.

  8. Confirm that your application's main file (specified in package.json) is correct.

  9. Ensure that your application is listening for incoming connections. For example, using Express: javascript const port = process.env.PORT || 3000; app.listen(port, () => { console.log(`Server is running on port ${port}`); });

  10. Review your database connection settings and ensure they are correctly configured for Heroku.

  11. Verify that your application is not blocked by a firewall or network configuration that restricts outgoing connections.

  12. Confirm that you have the necessary environment variables set on Heroku using the following command: bash heroku config

  13. Check if there are any known issues or maintenance announcements from Heroku that might affect your application.

  14. If the issue persists, consider reaching out to Heroku support for assistance.