Handle Race Condition in Node Js using Mutex

To handle race conditions in Node.js using a mutex, you can follow these steps:

  1. Import the Mutex class from the async-mutex package.
  2. Create an instance of the Mutex class using the new keyword.
  3. In the critical section of your code where race conditions can occur, use the acquire method of the mutex instance to acquire a lock.
  4. Inside the acquire method, provide a callback function that contains the code you want to execute in the critical section.
  5. Once the critical section is executed, release the lock using the release method of the mutex instance.

Here's an example code snippet that demonstrates how to handle race conditions using a mutex in Node.js:

const { Mutex } = require('async-mutex');

// Create a mutex instance
const mutex = new Mutex();

// Critical section code
mutex.acquire().then((release) => {
  // Code to execute in the critical section

  // Release the lock

By using a mutex, you can ensure that only one thread or process can access the critical section at a time, preventing race conditions from occurring.

Please note that the above example uses the async-mutex package, which provides a mutex implementation for asynchronous code in Node.js.