google geocode nodejs

  1. Install the 'google-geocode' package using npm by running the command "npm install google-geocode" in your Node.js project directory.

  2. Require the 'google-geocode' package in your Node.js application using the following code: "const geocode = require('google-geocode')"

  3. Set the API key for Google Geocoding API using the following code: "geocode.setApiKey('YOUR_API_KEY')"

  4. Use the 'geocode' method to make a request to the Google Geocoding API and retrieve the geolocation data for a specific address.

  5. Handle the response from the geocoding request and extract the relevant information such as latitude, longitude, formatted address, and other details as per your application's requirements.

  6. Utilize the geolocation data obtained from the Google Geocoding API for further processing within your Node.js application.