random int between two numbers javascript

function getRandomInt(min, max) {
  min = Math.ceil(min);
  max = Math.floor(max);
  return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;

console.log(getRandomInt(5, 10));  
function getRandomInt(min, max) {
  min = Math.ceil(min);
  max = Math.floor(max);
  return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;

console.log(getRandomInt(5, 10));  

This code defines a function called getRandomInt that takes two parameters, min and max.

Within the function, the min value is increased by 1 using Math.ceil method and the max value is decreased by 1 using Math.floor method.

The function then returns a random integer within the range specified by the min and max values.

Finally, the console.log statement calls the function and outputs the random integer between 5 and 10 to the console.