_document.js in nextjs

Step 1: Import necessary modules and components

In the first step, you need to import the necessary modules and components that you will be using in the _document.js file. This typically includes importing the Document class from the next/document module, as well as any other components or modules that you need to use in your custom document.

Step 2: Create a custom Document class

Next, you need to create a custom Document class that extends the base Document class provided by Next.js. This allows you to override and customize the default behavior of the Next.js document.

Step 3: Implement the getInitialProps method

Inside your custom Document class, you need to implement the getInitialProps method. This method is a static async method that is used to fetch data required for the initial render of the application. It is important to note that this method is only executed on the server side and not on the client side.

Step 4: Return the initial props

Inside the getInitialProps method, you need to return an object that contains the initial props for your custom Document component. These props will be passed to the render method of the Document class, allowing you to access them in your custom document.

Step 5: Implement the render method

After implementing the getInitialProps method, you need to implement the render method of your custom Document class. This method is responsible for rendering the HTML markup for the entire application.

Step 6: Wrap the application with the custom Document

Finally, you need to wrap your Next.js application with your custom Document component. This is typically done by exporting your custom Document class as the default export of the _document.js file.

By following these steps, you can create and customize the _document.js file in Next.js to suit your specific needs.