time zone npm in next js

  1. Install the necessary npm package for handling time zones in Next.js:
npm install --save moment-timezone
  1. Import the required modules in your Next.js component or page:
import moment from 'moment-timezone';
  1. Use the moment library to work with time zones. Set the desired time zone using the tz function:
const currentTime = moment().tz('America/New_York');
  1. Display or manipulate the time with the chosen time zone:
console.log('Current time in New York:', currentTime.format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'));

Make sure to replace 'America/New_York' with the appropriate time zone identifier for your use case. You can find a list of valid time zone identifiers in the IANA Time Zone Database.

Note: Ensure that the 'moment-timezone' package is correctly installed and configured in your Next.js project before using it in your components or pages.