Pass object to query on Router.push NextJs

To pass an object to a query using Next.js and Router.push, you can follow these steps:

  1. Import the Router module from the next/router package. This module provides the functionality to navigate between pages in Next.js.

  2. Use the useRouter hook from the Router module to get access to the router object. This object contains methods and properties related to the current route.

  3. Create a query object with key-value pairs representing the data you want to pass. For example, if you want to pass an object with name and age properties, you can define it like this: { name: 'John', age: 25 }.

  4. Use the Router.push method to navigate to the desired page and pass the query object as the second parameter. For example, if you want to navigate to the '/profile' page and pass the query object, you can do it like this: Router.push('/profile', queryObject).

  5. On the receiving page, you can access the passed query object using the useRouter hook again. Use the query property of the router object to access the query parameters. For example, if you passed the query object with name and age properties, you can access them like this: const { name, age } = useRouter().query.

By following these steps, you can pass an object to a query using Next.js and Router.push. This allows you to send data between pages and use it for dynamic routing and rendering.