next js typescript command

  1. Install Next.js and TypeScript: npm install next react react-dom npm install --save-dev typescript @types/react @types/node

  2. Initialize TypeScript configuration file: npx tsc --init

  3. Configure tsconfig.json: Update tsconfig.json to include "jsx": "react" and set "strict": true.

  4. Create Next.js App with TypeScript: npx create-next-app my-next-app -e with-typescript

  5. Navigate to the App Directory: cd my-next-app

  6. Run the Development Server: npm run dev

  7. Create a TypeScript Page:

  8. Create a file in the pages directory with a .tsx extension.

  9. Write TypeScript Code in the Page: ```tsx import React from 'react';

const MyPage: React.FC = () => { return (

Hello Next.js with TypeScript!

); };

export default MyPage; ```

  1. Run the Development Server: npm run dev

  2. Open the App in the Browser: Visit http://localhost:3000 in your browser.

  3. Verify TypeScript Integration: Ensure that the TypeScript code runs without errors in the browser and that the development server is functioning correctly.