@editorjs/list window not defined

Certainly! The issue of window not defined in a Next.js application when using @editorjs/list likely arises due to server-side rendering conflicts. To resolve this problem, follow these steps:

  1. Check the Environment: Ensure that the code utilizing @editorjs/list isn't being executed on the server-side during initial rendering, where the window object isn't available.

  2. Conditional Import: Use dynamic imports or conditionally import the package that uses window. For instance, you can employ next/dynamic to load the EditorJS components only on the client-side.

  3. Dynamic Loading: Wrap the EditorJS component import inside next/dynamic and specify ssr: false to indicate that it should not be loaded during server-side rendering:

    ```javascript import dynamic from 'next/dynamic';

    const EditorComponent = dynamic(() => import('@editorjs/list'), { ssr: false }); ```

  4. Component Usage: Use EditorComponent in your code instead of directly importing @editorjs/list. This ensures that the code related to EditorJS components is loaded only on the client-side where the window object is available.

  5. Error Handling: Implement error handling to manage scenarios where window might still be unavailable due to various factors, ensuring graceful degradation or fallback mechanisms.

By following these steps, you can effectively resolve the window not defined issue when using @editorjs/list in a Next.js application.