next js custom document

To create a custom document in Next.js, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new file named _document.js in the pages directory of your Next.js project.

  2. Import the Document component from the next/document module in the newly created _document.js file.

  3. Create a class that extends the Document component.

  4. Implement a static async getInitialProps method within the class to customize the initial properties of the document.

  5. Inside the getInitialProps method, await the original Document.getInitialProps function and store the result in a variable.

  6. Return the stored result along with any additional custom properties or modifications.

  7. Export the custom document class as the default export from the _document.js file.

By following these steps, you can create a custom document in Next.js to customize the initial HTML document that is served to the client.