link in next js is refresh page

To create a link that refreshes the page in Next.js, you can follow these steps:

  1. Import the useRouter hook from the next/router module. This hook allows you to access the router object, which provides information about the current route and navigation methods.
import { useRouter } from 'next/router';
  1. Inside your functional component, initialize the router object by calling the useRouter hook.
const router = useRouter();
  1. Use the router.reload() method to refresh the page when the link is clicked. You can attach this method to an event handler, such as the onClick event of a link element.
const handleRefresh = () => {

return (
  <a href="#" onClick={handleRefresh}>
    Refresh Page

In this example, we're attaching the handleRefresh function to the onClick event of an anchor (<a>) element. When the link is clicked, the handleRefresh function will be called, which in turn calls the router.reload() method to refresh the page.

Note: The href="#" attribute is used to make the link clickable, but it doesn't navigate to a specific URL. Instead, it triggers the onClick event handler.

And that's how you can create a link that refreshes the page in Next.js using the useRouter hook and the router.reload() method.