history.push in nextjs

Sure! Here is an explanation of how to use history.push in Next.js:

  1. Import the useRouter hook from the next/router module:
import { useRouter } from 'next/router';
  1. Invoke the useRouter hook to access the router object:
const router = useRouter();
  1. Use the push method on the router object to navigate to a new page:

The push method accepts a string parameter that represents the URL path of the page you want to navigate to. In this example, the /new-page path is used.

  1. Optionally, you can pass additional parameters to the push method to customize the navigation behavior. For example, you can provide a pathname to specify the URL path, a query object to include query parameters, and a as value to set the displayed URL.

Here is an example that demonstrates these optional parameters:

  pathname: '/new-page',
  query: { id: '123' },
  as: '/custom-url'

In this example, the pathname is set to /new-page, the query object includes a id parameter with a value of 123, and the as value is set to /custom-url.

That's it! You have now learned how to use history.push in Next.js to navigate to a new page.