next js getserversideprops

getServerSideProps is a function in Next.js used for server-side rendering. Here's an explanation of its steps:

  1. Function Definition: getServerSideProps is a special function exported from a Next.js page. It must be exported as an async function with the same name.

  2. Fetching Data: Inside getServerSideProps, you can fetch data from any data source (API, database, etc.). This function runs on the server side and fetches data each time a request is made to the page.

  3. Return Value: getServerSideProps should return an object containing a props key. This props object contains the data fetched within this function.

  4. Passing Data to Page Component: The props returned from getServerSideProps are passed as props to the page component. This allows the page to use the fetched data for rendering.

  5. Server-Side Rendering: When a user accesses the page, getServerSideProps is executed on the server, and the page is rendered with the fetched data before sending it to the client.

  6. Dynamic Data: The data fetched using getServerSideProps can be dynamic, changing with each request, enabling up-to-date content for each user.

Remember, getServerSideProps is specific to Next.js and helps in server-side rendering by pre-rendering a page on each request with the fetched data.