matlab switch figure

Matlab Switch Figure

In MATLAB, the switch statement is used to execute different code blocks based on the value of a variable or expression. It provides a way to simplify multiple if-else statements when there are many possible cases.

To create a switch statement in MATLAB that affects the current figure, you can use the following syntax:

switch variable
    case value1
        % code to execute when variable equals value1
        % additional code for the figure
    case value2
        % code to execute when variable equals value2
        % additional code for the figure
        % code to execute when variable does not match any case
        % additional code for the figure

In this example, variable represents the variable or expression you want to evaluate. value1 and value2 are the specific values you want to compare variable against. The case keyword is used to define each case, and the otherwise keyword is used to define the default case when none of the cases match.

Within each case, you can include the code you want to execute when the corresponding value matches. In this case, we are creating a new figure using the figure function. You can add additional code specific to each case as needed.

Remember to replace variable, value1, value2, and the code within each case with your specific values and code.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.