matlab class modify properties in function

To modify the properties of a MATLAB class within a function, you can follow these steps:

  1. Define the MATLAB class with its properties. For example:

matlab classdef MyClass properties Property1 Property2 end end

  1. Create a function that takes an instance of the class as an input argument. For example:

matlab function modifyProperties(obj) % Modify the properties of the class instance obj.Property1 = 10; obj.Property2 = 'Modified'; end

  1. Call the function and pass an instance of the class as an argument. For example:

matlab obj = MyClass(); % Create an instance of the class modifyProperties(obj); % Call the function to modify the properties

After calling the function, the properties of the class instance will be modified according to the code within the function.

That's it! You have now modified the properties of a MATLAB class within a function.