materialize table padding css

CSS Table Padding in Materialize

To add padding to a table in Materialize CSS, you can use the padding utility classes provided by the framework. These classes allow you to easily control the padding of different elements, including tables.

To add padding to a table, you can apply the p class to the table element. The p class adds a default padding to the element. Here's an example:

<table class="p">
  <!-- table content goes here -->

By applying the p class to the table element, the table will have padding on all sides.

If you want to control the padding on specific sides of the table, you can use the p-{side} classes, where {side} can be t (top), r (right), b (bottom), or l (left). For example, to add padding only to the top and bottom of the table, you can use the following classes:

<table class="p-t p-b">
  <!-- table content goes here -->

This will add padding to the top and bottom of the table, while leaving the left and right sides without padding.

Remember to replace <!-- table content goes here --> with the actual content of your table.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.