animation event firing too many times roblox

  1. Ensure that the animation is properly loaded and assigned to the character model in Roblox Studio.

  2. Check if the animation has the correct keyframes and duration.

  3. Open the script where the animation event is defined.

  4. Use a debounce mechanism to prevent the event from firing too frequently. Declare a boolean variable to track whether the event is currently allowed to trigger.

  5. Set the debounce variable to true when the animation event is fired.

  6. Use a wait function to introduce a delay between consecutive event triggers.

  7. Set the debounce variable back to false after the wait period.

  8. Implement a condition to check the debounce variable before allowing the event to execute. This ensures that the event won't trigger if the debounce is still active.

Example code snippet:

local debounce = false
local animationEvent = script.Parent -- replace with the actual reference to your animation event

    if not debounce then
        debounce = true
        -- Your animation event logic here

        wait(2) -- Adjust the wait period as needed

        debounce = false

Note: Adjust the wait period (in seconds) based on your specific requirements to control the frequency of the animation event.