Fivem Store

Step 1: Create a new Lua file for the FiveM store resource.

-- File: fxmanifest.lua

fx_version 'cerulean'
game 'gta5'

author 'Your Name'
description 'Your resource description'
version '1.0.0'

client_scripts {

server_scripts {

Step 2: Create a client-side Lua script for handling client functionality.

-- File: client.lua

RegisterCommand('buyItem', function()
    -- Add logic to handle item purchase on the client side
    TriggerServerEvent('purchaseItem', itemID)

Step 3: Create a server-side Lua script for handling server functionality.

-- File: server.lua

AddEventHandler('purchaseItem', function(itemID)
    -- Add logic to handle item purchase on the server side
    -- Validate purchase and update player's inventory or perform other actions
    TriggerClientEvent('itemPurchased', source, success)

Step 4: Update the client script to handle the server response.

-- File: client.lua

AddEventHandler('itemPurchased', function(success)
    if success then
        -- Item purchase was successful, handle accordingly
        print('Item purchased successfully!')
        -- Item purchase failed, handle accordingly
        print('Item purchase failed!')

Step 5: Integrate a user interface for the FiveM store using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (if necessary). This can be achieved using client-side scripts and UI frameworks compatible with FiveM.

Step 6: Test the FiveM store resource in a local FiveM server environment to ensure proper functionality and address any potential issues.

Note: The provided code snippets are basic examples and should be adapted to your specific requirements and the functionality of your FiveM store. Additionally, it's important to handle security measures and validations to ensure a secure and reliable store system.