how to make auto scroll roblox

To create an auto-scroll feature in Roblox using Lua, you can follow these steps:

  1. First, you need to create a script object in Roblox. To do this, open the Roblox Studio and select the "Explorer" tab. Right-click on the "Workspace" folder and choose "Insert Object." In the new window, select "Script" and click "OK."

  2. Double-click on the newly created script object to open the script editor.

  3. Inside the script editor, you can start writing your Lua code. To enable auto-scrolling, you need to use the "TweenService" module. Begin by requiring it at the top of your script:

local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
  1. Next, create a function that will handle the auto-scrolling animation. You can name this function anything you like. Here's an example:
local function AutoScroll(part)
  local startPosition = part.Position
  local endPosition =, part.Position.Y, part.Position.Z + 10) -- Change the Z value to adjust the scrolling speed

  local tweenInfo =, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear) -- Change the first parameter to adjust the duration of the animation

  local tween = TweenService:Create(part, tweenInfo, {Position = endPosition})

    part.Position = startPosition


In this example, the AutoScroll function takes a part parameter, which represents the object you want to scroll. The startPosition variable stores the initial position of the object, and the endPosition variable determines where the object should scroll to. Adjust the Z value to control the scrolling speed.

The tweenInfo variable sets the duration and easing style of the animation. You can modify the first parameter to change the duration.

The tween variable creates a tween animation using the TweenService:Create method. It specifies the object to animate (part), the tween information, and the target position (endPosition).

The tween.Completed event is connected to a function that resets the position of the object to its initial position (startPosition). Then, the AutoScroll function is called again to create a continuous scrolling effect.

Finally, the tween:Play() method is used to start the animation.

  1. To activate the auto-scroll feature, you need to find the object you want to scroll and call the AutoScroll function. For example, if you have a part named "ScrollingPart" in your Workspace, you can add the following line of code at the end of your script:

Make sure to replace "ScrollingPart" with the actual name of your part.

  1. Once you have finished writing your code, save the script and test it by running your Roblox game. The selected object should now scroll automatically.

Remember to save your work regularly and test your game to ensure everything is functioning as expected.