lua coding lines to test with

-- Step 1: Declare a variable and assign a numeric value
local number = 42

-- Step 2: Print the value of the variable
print("Number:", number)

-- Step 3: Declare a string variable
local message = "Hello, Lua!"

-- Step 4: Print the string variable
print("Message:", message)

-- Step 5: Concatenate two strings
local greeting = "Hello"
local name = "Lua"
local fullGreeting = greeting .. ", " .. name .. "!"
print("Full Greeting:", fullGreeting)

-- Step 6: Declare a table with key-value pairs
local person = {name = "John", age = 25, occupation = "Developer"}

-- Step 7: Access and print values from the table
print("Person's name:",
print("Person's age:", person.age)
print("Person's occupation:", person.occupation)

-- Step 8: Create a function
function addNumbers(a, b)
  return a + b

-- Step 9: Call the function and print the result
local result = addNumbers(10, 20)
print("Result of adding numbers:", result)

These Lua code lines cover basic concepts such as variable declaration, printing, string concatenation, table creation, table access, and function definition. The comments provide explanations for each step.