lua how to default value if nil or false

Setting a Default Value in Lua if a Variable is Nil or False

In Lua, you can set a default value for a variable if it is nil or false using a conditional assignment statement. Here's how you can do it:

-- Example variable
local myVariable = nil

-- Set default value if myVariable is nil or false
myVariable = myVariable or defaultValue

Explanation: 1. Declare the variable myVariable and assign it a value of nil. 2. Use the conditional assignment statement myVariable = myVariable or defaultValue. 3. If myVariable is nil or false, the expression myVariable or defaultValue evaluates to defaultValue, and myVariable is assigned the value of defaultValue. 4. If myVariable is not nil or false, the expression myVariable or defaultValue evaluates to myVariable, and myVariable retains its original value.

This technique allows you to provide a default value for a variable when it is not explicitly assigned a value or when it is assigned a value of nil or false.

Note: In Lua, only nil and false are considered as false values. All other values, including 0, empty strings, and empty tables, are considered as true values.