
  1. The first step is to define the variable "Language" and assign the value "Lua" to it. This is done using the syntax "Language = 'Lua'".

  2. Next, we define another variable called "29_un21" and assign it the value of the string "29_un21". This is done using the syntax "29_un21 = '29_un21'".

  3. Moving on, we can give explanations for each step. The purpose of defining variables in Lua is to store values that can be used later in the program. In this case, we are storing the value "Lua" in the variable "Language" and the value "29_un21" in the variable "29_un21".

  4. It's important to note that in Lua, variable names can consist of letters, numbers, and underscores. However, they cannot start with a number. That's why we have used the variable name "29_un21" instead of "29_un21".

  5. By assigning values to variables, we can refer to those values later in the program. For example, if we want to print the value of the variable "Language", we can use the print statement like this: "print(Language)". This will output the value "Lua" to the console.

  6. Similarly, if we want to print the value of the variable "29_un21", we can use the print statement like this: "print(29_un21)". This will output the value "29_un21" to the console.

  7. Overall, defining variables in Lua allows us to store and manipulate data in our programs. It provides a way to give names to values and refer to them later, making our code more readable and organized.