how to check if table is clear

To check if a table is empty in Lua, you can use the next function, which returns the next key-value pair in a table. If there are no more key-value pairs in the table, it means the table is empty.

Here's how you can check if a table is empty in Lua:

function isTableEmpty(tbl)
    return next(tbl) == nil

Explanation: 1. The isTableEmpty function takes a table tbl as input. 2. The next(tbl) function is used to get the next key-value pair in the table. 3. If next(tbl) returns nil, it means there are no more key-value pairs in the table, indicating that the table is empty. 4. The function returns true if the table is empty, and false otherwise.

Example usage:

local myTable = {} -- an empty table
print(isTableEmpty(myTable)) -- Output: true

myTable["key"] = "value" -- add a key-value pair to the table
print(isTableEmpty(myTable)) -- Output: false

In the example above, the isTableEmpty function is used to check if the myTable table is empty. Since the table is initially empty, the first call to isTableEmpty returns true. After adding a key-value pair to the table, the second call to isTableEmpty returns false because the table is no longer empty.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.