how to make a day/night script roblox

To create a day/night script in Roblox using the Lua programming language, follow these steps:

Step 1: Create a new script - Open Roblox Studio and create a new script by right-clicking on the Workspace folder, selecting "Insert Object," and choosing "Script."

Step 2: Define variables - In the script, define variables to store the lighting properties for day and night. For example:

local dayColor = Color3.fromRGB(200, 200, 200)
local nightColor = Color3.fromRGB(50, 50, 50)
local dayAmbient = Color3.fromRGB(200, 200, 200)
local nightAmbient = Color3.fromRGB(50, 50, 50)

Step 3: Create a function to change lighting - Define a function that will change the lighting properties based on the time of day. For example:

local function changeLighting(isDay)
    if isDay then
        game:GetService("Lighting").OutdoorAmbient = dayAmbient
        game:GetService("Lighting").ColorShift_Bottom = dayColor
        -- Add more properties if desired
        game:GetService("Lighting").OutdoorAmbient = nightAmbient
        game:GetService("Lighting").ColorShift_Bottom = nightColor
        -- Add more properties if desired

Step 4: Create a loop to simulate time - Use a loop to continuously check the time and update the lighting accordingly. For example:

while true do
    local currentTime = os.time()
    local isDay = (currentTime >= 6 and currentTime <= 18)
    wait(60) -- Wait for 60 seconds before updating again

Step 5: Run the script - Finally, save the script and run the game to see the day/night cycle in action.

Note: Remember to customize the lighting properties and timing conditions to suit your specific needs.