rhyme api

-- Step 1: Import the required HTTP library
local http = require("socket.http")

-- Step 2: Define the base URL for the Rhyme API
local apiUrl = "https://api.rhyme.com/v1/rhymes"

-- Step 3: Prepare the request headers
local headers = {
  ["Content-Type"] = "application/json",
  ["Authorization"] = "Bearer YOUR_API_KEY"  -- Replace with your actual API key

-- Step 4: Prepare the request body with the input word
local inputWord = "example"  -- Replace with the word for which you want rhymes
local requestBody = string.format('{"word": "%s"}', inputWord)

-- Step 5: Make the HTTP POST request to the Rhyme API
local response, status, headers = http.request {
  url = apiUrl,
  method = "POST",
  headers = headers,
  source = ltn12.source.string(requestBody),
  sink = ltn12.sink.table(responseBody)

-- Step 6: Check if the request was successful (status code 200)
if status == 200 then
  -- Step 7: Process and use the rhymes from the response body (assumed to be in JSON format)
  local rhymesJson = table.concat(responseBody)
  local rhymes = decodeJson(rhymesJson)  -- Assume a function decodeJson is defined for JSON decoding
  -- Now you can use the 'rhymes' data as needed
  -- Step 8: Handle the case where the request was not successful
  print("Error: Unable to retrieve rhymes. Status code: " .. status)