delete part on touch roblox

To delete a part on touch in Roblox using Lua, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create the part: First, you need to create the part that you want to delete when touched. You can do this by using the function and specifying the part's type, such as Part or MeshPart. Assign it to a variable for later use.

  2. Add a touch event: Next, you need to add a touch event to the part. This event will trigger when the part is touched by a player. You can do this by using the Part.Touched event and providing a function as the event handler.

  3. Define the event handler function: Inside the event handler function, you can write the code to delete the part. To delete the part, you can use the Instance:Destroy() method, where Instance is the variable representing the part you want to delete.

  4. Connect the touch event to the event handler: Finally, you need to connect the touch event to the event handler function. This can be done using the Part.Touched:Connect() method, where you pass the event handler function as the argument.

Here's an example code snippet that demonstrates the steps described above:

-- Step 1: Create the part
local part ="Part")
part.Position =, 5, 0) -- Set the position of the part
part.Size =, 5, 5) -- Set the size of the part
part.Anchored = true -- Make the part stay in place
part.Parent = workspace -- Set the parent of the part

-- Step 2: Add a touch event
    -- Step 3: Define the event handler function
    if hit.Parent and hit.Parent:IsA("Player") then
        -- Delete the part

In this example, the part is created as a Part instance and added to the workspace. The touch event is connected to an event handler function that checks if the touching object is a player. If it is, the part is deleted using the Destroy() method.

Please note that this is a basic example and may need to be adapted to fit your specific needs.