lua toggle

  1. Create a Variable: To create a variable in Lua, use the assignment operator (=) followed by the variable name and the value. For example: local myVar = 10.

  2. Conditional Statements: Use the if-then-else construct for conditional statements in Lua. For example:

if condition1 then
  -- code block
elseif condition2 then
  -- code block
  -- code block
  1. Loops: Lua supports while loops for repetitive execution. For example:
while condition do
  -- code block
  1. Functions: Define functions using the function keyword in Lua. For example:
function myFunction(param1, param2)
  -- function body
  1. Tables: Use tables to create arrays and dictionaries in Lua. For example:
local myTable = {1, 2, 3, key1 = "value1", key2 = "value2"}
  1. Error Handling: Lua provides the pcall function for error handling. For example:
local status, result = pcall(myFunction)
if not status then
  print("Error: " .. result)