prompt game pass purchase

To prompt a game pass purchase in Lua, you can follow these steps:

  1. Determine the game pass ID: Identify the specific game pass for purchase by obtaining its unique ID. This ID is usually provided by the game developer.

  2. Check if the player can afford the game pass: Verify if the player has enough in-game currency to purchase the game pass. This can be done by comparing the player's currency balance with the price of the game pass.

  3. Prompt the purchase: Display a message to the player, asking if they want to purchase the game pass. You can use the PromptPurchase function to accomplish this. The function takes the game pass ID as a parameter.

  4. Handle the player's response: Once the purchase prompt is displayed, the player can choose to either proceed with the purchase or cancel it. You can use an if statement to check the player's response.

  5. Process the purchase: If the player chooses to proceed with the purchase, you can use the MarketplaceService to initiate the purchase. You will need to pass the player's UserID and the game pass ID to the PromptPurchase function.

  6. Handle the purchase result: After the purchase is processed, you will receive a result indicating whether the purchase was successful or not. You can use an if statement to handle different outcomes, such as granting the game pass to the player if the purchase was successful.

By following these steps, you can prompt a game pass purchase in Lua and provide a seamless purchasing experience for players.