lua list of all keys

In Lua, to obtain a list of all keys in a table, you can use the pairs() function along with a loop. Here are the steps to achieve this:

  1. Define a table: Start by defining a table with key-value pairs. For example, you can create a table named myTable with some keys and values:
myTable = {
  key1 = "value1",
  key2 = "value2",
  key3 = "value3"
  1. Create a loop: Use a for loop to iterate over the table and extract the keys. In Lua, the pairs() function returns two values for each iteration: the key and its corresponding value. To get only the keys, you can assign the value to a throwaway variable, denoted by an underscore _. Here's an example of a loop that extracts the keys:
for key, _ in pairs(myTable) do
  -- code to handle each key
  1. Handle each key: Inside the loop, you can perform operations or store the keys in a separate table, depending on your requirements. For example, you can print each key:
for key, _ in pairs(myTable) do

This will output:


Alternatively, you can store the keys in a new table:

keys = {}
for key, _ in pairs(myTable) do
  table.insert(keys, key)

Now, the keys table will contain all the keys from myTable.

That's it! By following these steps, you can obtain a list of all keys in a Lua table.