glua varargs

Understanding varargs in Lua can be broken down into the following steps:

  1. Varargs Varargs in Lua are created by using three dots (...) in a function's parameter list. This syntax allows the function to accept a variable number of arguments.

  2. Accessing Varargs To access the varargs inside the function, you can use the (...) expression. This expression represents all the arguments passed to the function beyond its fixed parameters.

  3. Using Varargs Once the varargs are captured using the (...) expression, you can iterate over them using a loop or access them directly using their indices.

  4. Example

function printVarargs(...)
  for i, v in ipairs({...}) do
    print(i, v)

printVarargs("apple", "banana", "cherry")

In this example, the printVarargs function uses varargs to print all the arguments passed to it.

  1. Benefits Varargs provide flexibility by allowing functions to accept a varying number of arguments, making the code more adaptable to different situations.