how to check if a sting incules something roblox

To check if a string includes something in Lua, you can use the string.find() function. Here are the steps to do it:

  1. Provide the string: Pass the string you want to search as the first argument to the string.find() function.

  2. Specify the pattern: The second argument to string.find() is the pattern you want to search for within the string. You can use plain text or a regular expression pattern.

  3. Use the result: The string.find() function will return the starting and ending indices of the pattern within the string if it is found. If the pattern is not found, it will return nil.

Here is an example of how to use string.find() to check if a string includes something:

local myString = "Hello, world!"
local pattern = "world"

local start, finish = string.find(myString, pattern)

if start then
    print("Pattern found at indices:", start, finish)
    print("Pattern not found")

In this example, we have a string myString that contains the phrase "Hello, world!". We want to check if the string includes the word "world". We pass myString as the first argument to string.find() and "world" as the second argument. The string.find() function will return the starting and ending indices of the pattern if it is found. In this case, it will print "Pattern found at indices: 8 12" since "world" is found starting at index 8 and ending at index 12. If the pattern is not found, it will print "Pattern not found".