how to make part change to a random color every second roblox

To make a part change to a random color every second in Roblox using Lua, follow these steps:

  1. Create a part: Start by creating a part in your Roblox game. You can do this by inserting a part into the workspace or any other parent object.

  2. Define a function: Next, define a function that will change the color of the part. You can name this function anything you like. For example, let's call it "ChangeColor".

  3. Generate random color values: Inside the "ChangeColor" function, generate random RGB values using the math.random function. The RGB values range from 0 to 1, so you need to divide the random values by 255 to get the appropriate range. For example:

local function ChangeColor()
    local r = math.random() / 255
    local g = math.random() / 255
    local b = math.random() / 255
    part.BrickColor =, g, b))
  1. Apply the new color: Set the part's BrickColor property to the newly generated color. The function takes in a Color3 value, which represents the RGB values. Make sure to call the ChangeColor function after modifying the BrickColor property.

  2. Repeat the process: To make the part change color every second, you need to continuously call the ChangeColor function at regular intervals. You can achieve this by using a while loop with a wait function. The wait function pauses the script for a specified amount of time. For example:

while true do
  1. Place the code: Finally, place the code snippet that includes the part creation, the ChangeColor function, and the while loop in a suitable script object. This could be a LocalScript or a Script object depending on your needs.

That's it! Now, the part will change to a random color every second in your Roblox game. Remember to adjust the code and references to match your specific game setup.