lua float to int

To convert a Lua float to an integer, you can use the math.floor() function. Here are the steps to convert a float to an int in Lua:

  1. First, you need to define the float value that you want to convert. Let's assume the float value is stored in a variable called myFloat.

  2. To convert the float to an integer, you can use the math.floor() function. This function rounds down a floating-point number to the nearest integer. You can pass the float value as an argument to the math.floor() function.

  3. Assign the result of the math.floor() function to a new variable to store the integer value. Let's call this variable myInt.

  4. Now, myInt will hold the converted integer value of myFloat. You can use this integer value for further calculations or any other purpose in your Lua program.

Here's an example of how you can convert a float to an integer in Lua:

-- Define the float value
local myFloat = 3.14

-- Convert the float to an integer
local myInt = math.floor(myFloat)

-- Print the result

In this example, the output will be 3 since math.floor(3.14) rounds down the float value to the nearest integer.