lua exit

  1. The first step is to initiate the Lua interpreter. This can be done by running the "lua" command in the command line or terminal.
  2. Once the interpreter is running, it waits for input from the user. The user can enter Lua code statements one at a time.
  3. The interpreter reads the input code and executes it line by line. It evaluates expressions, assigns values to variables, and performs other operations specified in the code.
  4. If there are any syntax errors or runtime errors in the code, the interpreter will display error messages indicating the problem and its location in the code.
  5. After executing a line of code, the interpreter waits for the next input from the user. This process continues until the user decides to exit the interpreter.
  6. To exit the Lua interpreter, the user can either press the "Ctrl + D" key combination in Unix-like systems or the "Ctrl + Z" key combination in Windows systems. This signals the end of input, and the interpreter terminates.