roblox how to see what someone typed

To see what someone typed in Lua for Roblox, you can use the "TextBox" object and its "TextChanged" event. Here are the steps to achieve this:

  1. Create a TextBox object: Start by creating a TextBox object in Roblox Studio, either through the Toolbox or programmatically. This will allow the user to input text.

  2. Add a TextChanged event: Select the TextBox object and find the "TextChanged" event in the Properties window. Double-click on the empty space next to it, and it will create a new script for you.

  3. Access the entered text: Within the script, you can access the entered text using the "Text" property of the TextBox object. This property holds the current text value of the TextBox.

  4. Print or use the entered text: You can then choose to print the entered text or use it in your game logic. For example, you can use a print statement like "print(TextBox.Text)" to display the text in the output window of Roblox Studio.

Here is an example code snippet that demonstrates these steps:

local TextBox = script.Parent -- Assuming the script is a child of the TextBox object

    local enteredText = TextBox.Text
    -- You can perform other actions with the entered text here

By following these steps, you will be able to see what someone has typed in a TextBox object in Lua for Roblox.