lua array is empty

  1. Declare an empty array in Lua using square brackets: myArray = {}

  2. Access the length of the array using the # operator: length = #myArray

  3. Print the length of the array to the console: print(length)

  4. Iterate over the array using a loop: lua for i = 1, #myArray do -- Code to execute for each element in the array end

  5. Add an element to the array using the table.insert() function: table.insert(myArray, "element")

  6. Access an element in the array by its index: element = myArray[1]

  7. Remove an element from the array using the table.remove() function: table.remove(myArray, 1)

  8. Check if the array is empty using the length comparison: lua if #myArray == 0 then -- Code to execute if the array is empty else -- Code to execute if the array is not empty end

  9. Clear the array by setting it to an empty table: myArray = {}