roblox tween color

To create a tween color effect in Lua for Roblox, you can follow these steps:

  1. First, create a Part or a Model in Roblox Studio. This will serve as the object that you want to apply the tween color effect to.

  2. Next, create a script inside the Part or Model. Right-click on the Part or Model in the Explorer window, go to "Insert Object" and choose "Script".

  3. Open the script and delete any existing code inside it.

  4. Begin by requiring the TweenService module. This module allows you to create tweens, which are animations that transition between two values over a specified time period. Add the following line at the top of your script:

lua local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")

  1. Define the Part or Model that you want to apply the tween color effect to. Replace "Part" or "Model" with the variable name of your object:

lua local object = script.Parent

  1. Create a Color3 value that represents the starting color of the object. Replace "" with the desired starting color:

lua local startColor =, 1, 1) -- Replace with desired starting color

  1. Create a Color3 value that represents the ending color of the object. Replace "" with the desired ending color:

lua local endColor =, 0, 0) -- Replace with desired ending color

  1. Create a TweenInfo object that defines the duration and easing style of the tween. Replace the values inside with the desired duration and easing style:

lua local tweenInfo =, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.Out)

  1. Create a tween using the TweenService module. Replace "tweenInfo" with the name of your TweenInfo variable, "startColor" with the name of your starting color variable, "endColor" with the name of your ending color variable, and "object" with the name of your object variable:

lua local tween = TweenService:Create(object, tweenInfo, { BrickColor = })

  1. Start the tween by calling the "Play" method on the tween object:

    lua tween:Play()

This will create a tween color effect on the specified object, transitioning it from the starting color to the ending color over the specified duration with the specified easing style.