Doom emacs pdf-tools

Language: Lisp and Doom Emacs with pdf-tools

To use Lisp and Doom Emacs with pdf-tools, you can follow these steps:

  1. Install Doom Emacs: Doom Emacs is a configuration framework for Emacs that provides a more streamlined and modern experience. You can install Doom Emacs by following the instructions on the official Doom Emacs website.

  2. Install pdf-tools: pdf-tools is an Emacs package that allows you to view and interact with PDF files within Emacs. To install pdf-tools, you can use the package manager built into Doom Emacs. Open your Doom Emacs configuration file (usually located at ~/.doom.d/config.el), and add the following line to the file:

lisp (package! pdf-tools)

Save the file and restart Doom Emacs. The pdf-tools package should be automatically installed.

  1. Configure pdf-tools: Once pdf-tools is installed, you need to configure it to work with Doom Emacs. Open your Doom Emacs configuration file again, and add the following lines to the file:

lisp (use-package! pdf-tools :config (pdf-tools-install))

Save the file and restart Doom Emacs. pdf-tools should now be ready to use.

  1. Open a PDF file: To open a PDF file in Doom Emacs, you can use the pdf-view-mode command. You can either open a PDF file from the command line by running emacsclient -n <path-to-pdf-file>, or you can open a PDF file from within Doom Emacs by using the find-file command (SPC f f) and selecting the PDF file.

Once the PDF file is open, you can use various commands provided by pdf-tools to navigate and interact with the PDF file. For example, you can use SPC m p n to go to the next page, SPC m p p to go to the previous page, and SPC m p s to search for text within the PDF file.

That's it! You should now be able to use Lisp and Doom Emacs with pdf-tools to view and work with PDF files. Let me know if you have any further questions.

Source: 'Building a Virtual Machine Inside ChatGPT | Hacker News'